63K-1-401. Emergency interim successors for local officers. (1) By July 1 of each year, each political subdivision officer shall:
(a) designate three emergency interim successors;
(b) specify their order of succession; and
(c) provide a list of those designated successors to the division.
(2) In the event that a political subdivision does not designate emergency interimsuccessors as required under Subsection (1), the order of succession shall be as follows:
(a) the chief executive officer of the political subdivision;
(b) the chief deputy executive officer of the political subdivision;
(c) the chair of the legislative body of the political subdivision; and
(d) the chief law enforcement officer of the political subdivision.
(3) (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law:
(i) if any political subdivision officer or the political subdivision officer's legal deputy, ifany, is unavailable, a designated emergency interim successor shall exercise the powers andduties of the office according to the order of succession specified by the political subdivisionofficer; or
(ii) counties may provide by ordinance that one member of the county legislative bodymay act as the county legislative body if the other members are absent.
(b) An emergency interim successor shall exercise the powers and duties of the officeonly until:
(i) the vacancy is filled in accordance with the constitution or statutes; or
(ii) the political subdivision officer, the political subdivision officer's deputy, or anemergency interim successor earlier in the order of succession becomes available to exercise thepowers and duties of the office.
(4) The legislative bodies of each political subdivision may enact resolutions orordinances consistent with this chapter and also provide for emergency interim successors toofficers of the political subdivision not governed by this section.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session