63K-1-601. Governor to declare location of emergency seat of government. (1) Whenever, due to an emergency resulting from the effects of a disaster, it becomesimprudent, inexpedient, or impossible to conduct the affairs of the state government in Salt LakeCity, Utah, the governor shall:
(a) by proclamation, declare an emergency temporary location for the seat of governmentin Utah; and
(b) take whatever action and issue whatever orders are necessary for an orderly transitionof the affairs of the state government to that emergency temporary location.
(2) That emergency temporary location shall remain as the seat of government until theLegislature establishes a new location by law, or until the emergency is declared to be ended bythe governor and the seat of government is returned to its normal location.
(3) Local governments may provide, by ordinance, for temporary emergency locationsfor the seat of government.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session