63K-2-204. Proclamation of emergency -- Effective period -- Extension of renewalby Legislature. (1) (a) The governor may issue a proclamation declaring that a state of emergency existswith regard to one or more energy resources if the governor determines that an existing orimminent severe disruption or impending shortage in the supply of one or more energy resources,in this state or elsewhere:
(i) threatens:
(A) the availability of essential services or transportation; or
(B) the operation of the economy; and
(ii) because of the threats described in Subsection (1)(a)(i), jeopardizes the peace, health,safety, and welfare of the people of this state.
(b) The proclamation declaring a state of emergency described in Subsection (1)(a) shallstate with specificity the nature of the disruption or shortage in an energy resource.
(c) (i) Within seven calendar days of the day on which the governor issues aproclamation declaring a state of emergency under this section, the Legislative ManagementCommittee shall:
(A) review the proclamation; and
(B) advise the governor on the proclamation.
(ii) The failure of the Legislative Management Committee to meet as required bySubsection (1)(c)(i) does not affect the validity of the proclamation declaring a state ofemergency.
(2) (a) A proclamation issued under this section, and any order or rule issued as a resultof the proclamation shall continue in effect until 60 days from the date of the proclamation of thestate of emergency unless the governor rescinds the proclamation and declares the emergencyended prior to the expiration of this 60-day period.
(b) A proclamation issued within 30 days of the expiration of a prior proclamation for thesame emergency shall be considered a renewal or extension subject to Subsection (3).
(3) A proclamation may be renewed or extended only by joint resolution of theLegislature.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session