63K-4-103. Definitions. (1) "Attack" means a nuclear, conventional, biological, or chemical warfare actionagainst the United States of America or this state.
(2) "Chief executive officer" means:
(a) for a municipality:
(i) the mayor for a municipality operating under all forms of municipal governmentexcept the council-manager form of government; or
(ii) the city manager for a municipality operating under the council-manager form ofgovernment; or
(b) for a county:
(i) the chair of the county commission for a county operating under the countycommission or expanded county commission form of government;
(ii) the county executive officer for a county operating under the county-executivecouncil form of government; or
(iii) the county manager for a county operating under the council-manager form ofgovernment.
(3) "Disaster" means a situation causing, or threatening to cause, widespread damage,social disruption, or injury or loss of life or property resulting from attack, internal disturbance,natural phenomenon or technological hazard.
(4) "Internal disturbance" means a riot, prison break, terrorism, or strike.
(5) "Local emergency" means a condition in any political subdivision of the state whichrequires that emergency assistance be provided by the affected political subdivision to save livesand protect property within its jurisdiction in response to a disaster, or to avoid or reduce thethreat of a disaster.
(6) "Natural phenomenon" means any earthquake, tornado, storm, flood, landslide,avalanche, forest or range fire, drought, or epidemic.
(7) "Political subdivision" means municipality or county.
(8) "State of emergency" means a condition in any part of this state which requires stategovernment emergency assistance to supplement the local efforts of the affected politicalsubdivision to save lives and to protect property, public health, welfare, and safety in the event ofa disaster or to avoid or reduce the threat of a disaster.
(9) "Technological hazard" means any hazardous materials accident, mine accident, trainderailment, truck wreck, air crash, radiation incident, pollution, structural fire or explosion.
Amended by Chapter 334, 2010 General Session