63K-5-102. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Claim" has the same definition as in the following sections, as applicable:
(a) Section 6-902, Idaho Code; or
(b) Section
63G-7-102, Utah Code Annotated.
(2) "Emergency":
(a) means a situation where it reasonably appears that the life or safety of a person is atperil or real or personal property is at risk of destruction or loss;
(b) includes disasters, fires, persons who are lost or missing, boats that are sinking or arein danger of sinking, medical situations where care is needed, and transportation of persons byambulance; and
(c) is not limited in duration to a discrete period of time.
(3) (a) "Emergency responder" means a person whose duties include providing servicesto protect property or the life or safety of any person and who is:
(i) employed by a governmental entity of another state;
(ii) temporarily employed by a governmental entity; or
(iii) a volunteer who is serving at the request of a governmental entity.
(b) "Emergency responder" includes:
(i) law enforcement officers, fire fighters, search and rescue personnel, emergencymedical technicians, ambulance personnel, Department of Natural Resources employees, parkrangers, and volunteers participating in search and rescue operations; and
(ii) persons and parties identified in the interstate mutual aid agreement.
(4) "Interstate mutual aid agreement" means an agreement that establishes procedures forclaims against an out-of-state emergency responder, and that:
(a) is established reciprocally between the Utah Highway Patrol and the Idaho StatePolice;
(b) is on file with the Utah Highway Patrol; and
(c) has a duration of one year from the time the agreement is entered into by Utah andIdaho.
Enacted by Chapter 22, 2010 General Session