63L-4-301. Appeals of decisions. (1) Each political subdivision shall enact an ordinance that:
(a) establishes a procedure for review of actions that may have constitutional takingissues; and
(b) meets the requirements of this section.
(2) (a) (i) Any owner of private property whose interest in the property is subject to aphysical taking or exaction by a political subdivision may appeal the political subdivision'sdecision within 30 days after the decision is made.
(ii) The legislative body of the political subdivision, or an individual or body designatedby them, shall hear and approve or reject the appeal within 14 days after it is submitted.
(iii) If the legislative body of the political subdivision fails to hear and decide the appealwithin 14 days, the decision is presumed to be approved.
(b) The private property owner need not file the appeal authorized by this section beforebringing an action in any court to adjudicate claims that are eligible for appeal.
(c) A property owner's failure to appeal the action of a political subdivision does notconstitute, and may not be interpreted as constituting, a failure to exhaust availableadministrative remedies or as a bar to bringing legal action.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session