63M-1-1402. Members -- Meetings -- Expenses. (1) (a) The board shall consist of 13 members appointed by the governor to four-yearterms of office with the consent of the Senate.
(b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (1)(a), the governor shall, at the timeof appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of boardmembers are staggered so that approximately half of the board is appointed every two years.
(2) The members may not serve more than two full consecutive terms unless thegovernor determines that an additional term is in the best interest of the state.
(3) Not more than seven members of the board may be of the same political party.
(4) (a) The members shall be representative of:
(i) all areas of the state with six being appointed from separate geographical areas asprovided in Subsection (4)(b); and
(ii) a diverse mix of business ownership or executive management of tourism relatedindustries.
(b) The geographical representatives shall be appointed as follows:
(i) one member from Salt Lake, Tooele, or Morgan County;
(ii) one member from Davis, Weber, Box Elder, Cache, or Rich County;
(iii) one member from Utah, Summit, Juab, or Wasatch County;
(iv) one member from Carbon, Emery, Grand, Duchesne, Daggett, or Uintah County;
(v) one member from San Juan, Piute, Wayne, Garfield, or Kane County; and
(vi) one member from Washington, Iron, Beaver, Sanpete, Sevier, or Millard County.
(c) The tourism industry representatives of ownership or executive management shall beappointed as follows:
(i) one member from ownership or executive management of the lodging industry, asrecommended by the lodging industry for the governor's consideration;
(ii) one member from ownership or executive management of the restaurant industry, asrecommended by the restaurant industry for the governor's consideration;
(iii) one member from ownership or executive management of the ski industry, asrecommended by the ski industry for the governor's consideration; and
(iv) one member from ownership or executive management of the motor vehicle rentalindustry, as recommended by the motor vehicle rental industry for the governor's consideration.
(d) One member shall be appointed at large from ownership or executive management ofbusiness, finance, economic policy, or the academic media marketing community.
(e) One member shall be appointed from the Utah Tourism Industry Coalition asrecommended by the coalition for the governor's consideration.
(f) One member shall be appointed to represent the state's counties as recommended bythe Utah Association of Counties for the governor's consideration.
(g) (i) The governor may choose to disregard a recommendation made for a boardmember under Subsections (4)(c), (e), and (f).
(ii) The governor shall request additional recommendations if recommendations aredisregarded under Subsection (4)(g)(i).
(5) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall beappointed for the unexpired term from the same geographic area or industry representation as themember whose office was vacated.
(6) Seven members of the board constitute a quorum for conducting board business and
exercising board powers.
(7) The governor shall select one of the board members as chair and one of the boardmembers as vice chair, each for a four-year term as recommended by the board for the governor'sconsideration.
(8) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, butmay receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
(a) Section 63A-3-106;
(b) Section 63A-3-107; and
(c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and63A-3-107.
(9) The board shall meet monthly or as often as the board determines to be necessary atvarious locations throughout the state.
(10) Members who may have a potential conflict of interest in consideration of fundallocation decisions shall identify the potential conflict prior to voting on the issue.
(11) (a) The board shall determine attendance requirements for maintaining a designatedboard seat.
(b) If a board member fails to attend according to the requirements established pursuantto Subsection (11)(a), the board member shall be replaced upon written certification from theboard chair or vice chair to the governor.
(c) A replacement appointed by the governor under Subsection (11)(b) shall serve for theremainder of the board member's unexpired term.
(12) The board's office shall be in Salt Lake City.
Amended by Chapter 286, 2010 General Session