63M-1-2006. Report to Workforce Services and Community and EconomicDevelopment Interim Committee. The board shall annually report to the Workforce Services and Community and EconomicDevelopment Interim Committee on or before the November interim meeting:
(1) the total amount of grants and loans the board awarded to eligible counties under thispart during the fiscal year that ended on the June 30 immediately preceding the Novemberinterim meeting;
(2) a description of the projects with respect to which the board awarded a grant or loanunder this part;
(3) the total amount of outstanding debt service that is being repaid by a grant or loanawarded under this part;
(4) on whether the grants and loans awarded under this part have resulted in economicdevelopment within project areas;
(5) on whether the board recommends:
(a) that the grants and loans authorized by this part should be continued; or
(b) any modifications to this part; and
(6) on any other issue relating to this part as determined by the Workforce Services andCommunity and Economic Development Interim Committee.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session