63M-1-2608. Detailed proposal -- Requirements -- Cooperation of affecteddepartment. (1) A detailed proposal submitted in response to a procurement process initiated underSection
63M-1-2607 shall include:
(a) a conceptual description of the project, including the scope of the work;
(b) a description of the economic benefit of the project to the state and the affecteddepartment;
(c) an estimate of the design, implementation, operation, maintenance, or other costsassociated with the project;
(d) information concerning the information technology or telecommunication productand service or other supply or service currently provided by the state that is similar to the projectbeing proposed, if applicable;
(e) a statement setting forth the private entity's general plan for financing the project,including any appropriation by the Legislature or other public money and, if applicable, thesources of the private entity's funds and identification of any dedicated revenue source orproposed debt or equity investment on behalf of the private entity;
(f) the name and address of the person who may be contacted for further informationconcerning the detailed proposal;
(g) a statement describing the private entity's experience with other similar projects and adescription of why the private entity is best qualified for the project; and
(h) any other information:
(i) reasonably requested by the affected department or the committee, or required by theboard by rule; or
(ii) that the private entity considers necessary or appropriate to complete or describe thedetailed proposal.
(2) To assist each private entity in preparing a detailed proposal:
(a) the affected department shall provide each private entity with access to allinformation, records, documents, and reports related to the proposal and the project that aredesignated public records under Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access andManagement Act; and
(b) the affected department and the committee shall cooperate with each private entity toassist the private entity in the development of a detailed proposal that is:
(i) practical;
(ii) efficient; and
(iii) economically beneficial to the state and the affected department.
(3) The committee or any private entity may choose to terminate the development of thedetailed proposal at any time before the submission of the detailed proposal to the chiefprocurement officer under Section
Enacted by Chapter 352, 2008 General Session