63M-1-2802. Findings. (1) The Legislature finds that:
(a) to foster and develop the alternative energy industry in Utah, including generation andmanufacturing, will promote the interest of Utah's citizens in encouraging the growth of thestate's economy;
(b) Utah loses prospective high paying jobs, new economic growth, and correspondingincremental new state and local revenues to competing states due to a wide variety of competingenergy incentives offered by those states; and
(c) alternative energy initiatives and interests of state and local officials should bealigned and united in alternative energy generation and related manufacturing.
(2) This part is enacted to:
(a) increase generation of alternative energy and create high paying jobs in the alternativeenergy industry, thereby growing the state's economy and corresponding state and local revenuesby providing tax credits to attract new alternative energy projects and assist in the expansion ofexisting alternative energy projects located within alternative energy development zones in thestate; and
(b) provide a cooperative and unified working relationship between state and localalternative energy development efforts.
Amended by Chapter 45, 2010 General Session