63M-1-403. Powers of the office. The office shall:
(1) monitor the implementation and operation of this part and conduct a continuingevaluation of the progress made in the enterprise zones;
(2) evaluate an application from a county applicant or a municipal applicant to bedesignated an enterprise zone and determine if the applicant qualifies for that designation;
(3) provide technical assistance to county applicants and municipal applicants indeveloping applications for designation as enterprise zones;
(4) assist county applicants and municipal applicants designated as enterprise zones inobtaining assistance from the federal government and agencies of the state;
(5) assist a qualified business in obtaining the benefits of an incentive or inducementprogram authorized by this part; and
(6) prepare an annual evaluation based, in part, on data provided by the State TaxCommission:
(a) evaluating the effectiveness of the program and any suggestions for legislation; and
(b) that is available upon request to the governor and to the Revenue and TaxationInterim Committee of the Legislature by November 1 of each year.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session