63M-1-414. Annual report. (1) Each county applicant or municipal applicant designated as an enterprise zone shallannually report to the office regarding the economic activity that has occurred in the zonefollowing the designation.
(2) This information shall include:
(a) the number of jobs created in the zone;
(b) the number of economically disadvantaged individuals receiving public job trainingassistance in the zone;
(c) the average wage level of the jobs created;
(d) descriptions of any affirmative action programs undertaken by the county applicant ormunicipal applicant in connection with the enterprise zone;
(e) the amount of the county applicant's or municipal applicant's local contribution; and
(f) the number of businesses qualifying for, or directly benefiting from, the localcontribution.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session