(e) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, makerules necessary to administer this section.
(3) A state agency has the following responsibilities if participating in the smart siteprogram offered under this section:
(a) to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the office indicating the steps theagency shall take to encourage smart site enterprises to submit bids for technology-basedcontracts; and
(b) to submit to the office by no later than July 30, an accounting of all technology-basedcontracts awarded to smart site enterprises by the agency in the prior fiscal year.
(4) (a) A state agency is eligible for an interagency transfer from the office for up to 10%of all technology-based contracts awarded to a smart site enterprise under the office's smart siteprogram.
(b) The office shall determine the amount of the interagency transfer as follows:
(i) if the total number of requests for interagency transfers under the program does notexceed the legislative appropriation for the fiscal year, each eligible agency shall receive a full10% transfer; or
(ii) if the total number of requests for interagency transfers under the program exceedsthe appropriation for the fiscal year, the office shall prorate the amount of each transfer based onthe respective percentage of all technology-based contracts submitted to the office by all eligiblestate agencies.
(c) (i) After determining the amount of each agency's interagency transfer as requiredunder Subsection (4)(b), the office shall transfer the amount to each agency's budget.
(ii) The office shall make the transfer no later than August 15 to supplement the agency'sbudget for the fiscal year beginning just prior to the interagency transfer.
(iii) An agency may use the interagency transfer it receives under this Subsection (4)(c)for any purpose related to the agency's mission or its duties and responsibilities, including thepayment of incentives and award bonuses for participating in the smart site program.
(d) Funding for the interagency transfer under Subsection (4)(c) shall come from theprior fiscal year appropriation to the office.
(e) The appropriation to fund this section is nonlapsing to provide for the distributionprocess outlined in this Subsection (4).
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session