63M-1-504. Targeted business income tax credit structure -- Duties of the localzone administrator -- Duties of the State Tax Commission. (1) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2002, a business applicant that iscertified under Subsection
63M-1-503(3) and issued a targeted business tax credit eligibility formby the office under Subsection (8) may claim a refundable tax credit:
(a) against the business applicant's tax liability under:
(i) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes; or
(ii) Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; and
(b) subject to requirements and limitations provided by this part.
(2) The total amount of the targeted business income tax credits allowed under this partfor all business applicants may not exceed $300,000 in any fiscal year.
(3) (a) A targeted business income tax credit allowed under this part for each communityinvestment project provided by a business applicant may not:
(i) be claimed by a business applicant for more than seven consecutive taxable yearsfrom the date the business applicant first qualifies for a targeted business income tax credit on thebasis of a community investment project;
(ii) be carried forward or carried back;
(iii) exceed $100,000 in total amount for the community investment project periodduring which the business applicant is eligible to claim a targeted business income tax credit; or
(iv) exceed in any year that the targeted business income tax credit is claimed the lesserof:
(A) 50% of the maximum amount allowed by the local zone administrator; or
(B) the allocated cap amount determined by the office under Subsection
(b) A business applicant may apply to the local zone administrator to claim a targetedbusiness income tax credit allowed under this part for each community investment projectprovided by the business applicant as the basis for its eligibility for a targeted business incometax credit.
(4) Subject to other provisions of this section, the local zone administrator shall establishfor each business applicant that qualifies for a targeted business income tax credit:
(a) criteria for maintaining eligibility for the targeted business income tax credit that arereasonably related to the community investment project that is the basis for the businessapplicant's targeted business income tax credit;
(b) the maximum amount of the targeted business income tax credit the businessapplicant is allowed for the community investment project period;
(c) the time period over which the total amount of the targeted business income tax creditmay be claimed;
(d) the maximum amount of the targeted business income tax credit that the businessapplicant will be allowed to claim each year; and
(e) requirements for a business applicant to report to the local zone administratorspecifying:
(i) the frequency of the business applicant's reports to the local zone administrator, whichshall be made at least quarterly; and
(ii) the information needed by the local zone administrator to monitor the businessapplicant's compliance with this Subsection (4) or Section
63M-1-503 that shall be included inthe report.
(5) In accordance with Subsection (4)(e), a business applicant allowed a targetedbusiness income tax credit under this part shall report to the local zone administrator.
(6) The amount of a targeted business income tax credit that a business applicant isallowed to claim for a taxable year shall be reduced by 25% for each quarter in which the officeor the local zone administrator determines that the business applicant has failed to comply with arequirement of Subsection (3) or Section
(7) The office or local zone administrator may audit a business applicant to ensure:
(a) eligibility for a targeted business income tax credit; or
(b) compliance with Subsection (3) or Section
(8) The office shall issue a targeted business income tax credit eligibility form in a formjointly developed by the State Tax Commission and the office no later than 30 days after the lastday of the business applicant's taxable year showing:
(a) the maximum amount of the targeted business income tax credit that the businessapplicant is eligible for that taxable year;
(b) any reductions in the maximum amount of the targeted business income tax creditbecause of failure to comply with a requirement of Subsection (3) or Section
(c) the allocated cap amount that the business applicant may claim for that taxable year;and
(d) the actual amount of the targeted business income tax credit that the businessapplicant may claim for that taxable year.
(9) (a) A business applicant shall retain the targeted business income tax credit eligibilityform provided by the office under this Subsection (9).
(b) The State Tax Commission may audit a business applicant to ensure:
(i) eligibility for a targeted business income tax credit; or
(ii) compliance with Subsection (3) or Section
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session