63M-2-201. Science technology research buildings. (1) As funding becomes available from the Legislature or other sources, the Utah ScienceTechnology and Research Governing Authority created in Part 3 shall:
(a) construct at Utah State University:
(i) a Bio Innovations Research Institute;
(ii) an Infectious Disease Research Center; and
(iii) an Informatics/Computing Research Center; and
(b) construct at the University of Utah:
(i) a Neuroscience and Biomedical Technology Research Building; and
(ii) an Information Technology and Bioinformatics Research Center.
(2) The governing authority shall, subject to any restrictions or directions established bythe Legislature, plan, design, and construct the buildings.
(3) (a) Utah State University shall provide the land for the construction of sciencetechnology and research buildings on its campus.
(b) The University of Utah shall provide the land for the construction of sciencetechnology and research buildings on its campus.
(4) The governing authority shall hold title to the research buildings.
(5) The governing authority may:
(a) lease the buildings to Utah State University and the University of Utah;
(b) require research teams to generate a certain amount of revenue from grants or othersources to contribute to the project; and
(c) unless prohibited by law, deposit lease payments and other money received from theuniversities and research teams with the state treasurer for deposit into the sinking funds createdunder Section
63B-1a-301 for debt service on the bonds issued to fund planning, design, andconstruction of the research buildings.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session