63M-2-202. Technology outreach program. (1) As funding becomes available from the Legislature or other sources, the Utah ScienceTechnology and Research Governing Authority created in Part 3 shall establish a technologyoutreach program at up to five locations distributed strategically throughout Utah.
(2) (a) The governing authority shall ensure that the technology outreach program acts asa resource to:
(i) broker ideas, new technologies, and services to entrepreneurs and businessesthroughout a defined service area;
(ii) engage local entrepreneurs and professors at applied technology centers, colleges, anduniversities by connecting them to Utah's research universities;
(iii) screen business ideas and new technologies to ensure that the ones with the highestgrowth potential receive the most targeted services and attention;
(iv) connect market ideas and technologies in new or existing businesses or industries orin regional colleges and universities with the expertise of Utah's research universities;
(v) assist businesses, applied technology centers, colleges, and universities in developingcommercial applications for their research; and
(vi) disseminate and share discoveries and technologies emanating from Utah's researchuniversities to local entrepreneurs, businesses, applied technology centers, colleges, anduniversities.
(b) In designing and operating the technology outreach program, the governing authorityshall work cooperatively with the Technology Commercialization Offices at Utah StateUniversity and the University of Utah.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session