63M-7-305. Drug Offender Reform Act -- Coordination. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Council" means the Utah Substance Abuse Advisory Council.
(b) "Drug Offender Reform Act" and "act" mean the screening, assessment, substanceabuse treatment, and supervision provided to convicted offenders under Subsection
(i) determine offenders' specific substance abuse treatment needs as early as possible inthe judicial process;
(ii) expand treatment resources for offenders in the community;
(iii) integrate treatment of offenders with supervision by the Department of Corrections;and
(iv) reduce the incidence of substance abuse and related criminal conduct.
(c) "Substance abuse authority" has the same meaning as in Section
(2) The council shall provide ongoing oversight of the implementation, functions, andevaluation of the Drug Offender Reform Act.
(3) The council shall develop an implementation plan for the Drug Offender Reform Act. The plan shall:
(a) identify local substance abuse authority areas where the act will be implemented, incooperation with the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, the Department ofCorrections, and the local substance abuse authorities;
(b) include guidelines on how funds appropriated under the act should be used;
(c) require that treatment plans under the act are appropriate for criminal offenders;
(d) include guidelines on the membership of local planning groups;
(e) include guidelines on the membership of the Department of Corrections' planninggroup under Subsection (5); and
(f) provide guidelines for the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice to conductan evaluation of the implementation, impact, and results of the act.
(4) (a) Each local substance abuse authority designated under Subsection (3) toimplement the act shall establish a local planning group and shall submit a plan to the councildetailing how the authority proposes to use the act funds. The uses shall be in accordance withthe guidelines established by the council under Subsection (3).
(b) Upon approval of the plan by the council, the Division of Substance Abuse andMental Health shall allocate the funds.
(c) Local substance abuse authorities shall annually, on or before October 1, submit tothe Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health and to the council reports detailing use ofthe funds and the impact and results of the use of the funds during the prior fiscal year endingJune 30.
(5) (a) The Department of Corrections shall establish a planning group and shall submit aplan to the council detailing how the department proposes to use the act funds. The uses shall bein accordance with the guidelines established by the council under Subsection (3).
(b) The Department of Corrections shall annually, on or before October 1, submit to thecouncil a report detailing use of the funds and the impact and results of the use of the fundsduring the prior fiscal year ending June 30.
(6) The council shall monitor the progress and evaluation of the act and shall provide awritten report on the implementation, impact, and results of the act to the Law Enforcement and
Criminal Justice and the Health and Human Services legislative interim committees annually onor before November 30.
Amended by Chapter 39, 2010 General Session