63M-7-508. Reparations officers. The reparations officers shall in addition to any assignments made by the director of theOffice of Crime Victim Reparations:
(1) hear and determine all matters relating to claims for reparations and reinvestigate orreopen claims without regard to statutes of limitation or periods of prescription;
(2) obtain from prosecuting attorneys, law enforcement officers, and other criminaljustice agencies, investigations and data to enable the reparations officer to determine whetherand to what extent a claimant qualifies for reparations;
(3) as determined necessary by the reparations officers, hold hearings, administer oathsor affirmations, examine any person under oath or affirmation, issue subpoenas requiring theattendance and giving of testimony of witnesses, require the production of any books, papers,documents, or other evidence which may contribute to the reparations officer's ability todetermine particular reparation awards;
(4) determine who is a victim or dependent;
(5) award reparations or other benefits determined to be due under this chapter and therules of the board;
(6) take notice of judicially recognized facts and general, technical, and scientific factswithin their specialized knowledge;
(7) advise and assist the board in developing policies recognizing the rights, needs, andinterests of crime victims;
(8) render periodic reports as requested by the board concerning:
(a) the officers' activities; and
(b) the manner in which the rights, needs, and interests of crime victims are beingaddressed by the state's criminal justice system;
(9) establish priorities for assisting elderly victims of crime or those victims facingextraordinary hardships;
(10) cooperate with the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice to developinformation regarding crime victims' problems and programs; and
(11) assist the director in publicizing the provisions of the Crime Victim ReparationsAct, including the procedures for obtaining reparation, and in encouraging law enforcementagencies, health providers, and other related officials to take reasonable care to ensure thatvictims are informed about the provisions of this chapter and the procedure for applying forreparation.
Amended by Chapter 339, 2008 General Session
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session