63M-7-525. Purpose -- Not entitlement program. (1) The purpose of the Office of Crime Victim Reparations is to assist victims ofcriminally injurious conduct who may be eligible for assistance from the Crime VictimReparations Fund. Reparation to a victim is limited to the money available in the fund.
(2) This program is not an entitlement program. Awards may be limited or denied asdetermined appropriate by the board. Failure to grant an award does not create a cause of actionagainst the Office of Crime Victim Reparations, the state, or any of its subdivisions. There is noright to judicial review over the decision whether or not to grant an award.
(3) A cause of action based on a failure to give or receive the notice required by thischapter does not accrue to any person against the state, any of its agencies or local subdivisions,any of their law enforcement officers or other agents or employees, or any health care or medicalprovider or its agents or employees. The failure does not affect or alter any requirement for filingor payment of a claim.
Amended by Chapter 339, 2008 General Session
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session