63M-7-601. Creation -- Members -- Chair. (1) There is created within the governor's office the Utah Council on Victims of Crime.
(2) The Utah Council on Victims of Crime shall be composed of 24 voting members asfollows:
(a) a representative of the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice appointed by theexecutive director;
(b) a representative of the Department of Corrections appointed by the executivedirector;
(c) a representative of the Board of Pardons and Parole appointed by the chair;
(d) a representative of the Department of Public Safety appointed by the commissioner;
(e) a representative of the Division of Juvenile Justice Services appointed by the director;
(f) a representative of the Office of Crime Victim Reparations appointed by the director;
(g) a representative of the Office of the Attorney General appointed by the attorneygeneral;
(h) a representative of the United States Attorney for the district of Utah appointed by theUnited States Attorney;
(i) a professional or volunteer working in the area of violence against women andfamilies appointed by the governor;
(j) the chair of each judicial district's victims' rights committee;
(k) the following members appointed to serve four-year terms:
(i) a representative of the Statewide Association of Public Attorneys appointed by thatassociation;
(ii) a representative of the Utah Chiefs of Police Association appointed by the presidentof that association;
(iii) a representative of the Utah Sheriffs' Association appointed by the president of thatassociation;
(iv) a representative of a Children's Justice Center appointed by the Advisory Board onChildren's Justice; and
(v) a citizen representative appointed by the governor; and
(l) the following members appointed by the members in Subsections (2)(a) through (2)(k)to serve four-year terms:
(i) an individual who works professionally with victims of crime; and
(ii) a victim of crime.
(3) The council shall annually elect one member to serve as chair.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session