64-13-19. Labor at correctional facilities. (1) The department shall determine the types of labor to be pursued, and what kind,quality, and quantity of goods, materials, and supplies shall be produced, manufactured, orrepaired at correctional facilities. Contracts may be made for the labor of offenders, includingcontracts with any federal agency for a project affecting national defense. As many offenders aspracticable may be employed to produce, manufacture, or repair any goods, materials, or suppliesfor sale to the state or its political subdivisions. Prices for all goods, materials, and supplies shallbe fixed by the department.
(2) An offender performing labor under this section is not considered an employee,worker, workman, or operative for purposes of Title 34A, Chapter 2, Workers' CompensationAct, except as required by federal statute or regulation.
Amended by Chapter 375, 1997 General Session