64-13-21.5. Powers of correctional officers and POST certified correctionalenforcement or investigation officers. (1) Employees of the department who are designated by the executive director ascorrectional officers may exercise the powers and authority of a peace officer only when neededto properly carry out the following functions:
(a) performing the officer's duties within the boundaries of a correctional facility;
(b) supervising an offender during transportation;
(c) when in fresh pursuit of an offender who has escaped from the custody of thedepartment; or
(d) when requested to assist a local, state, or federal law enforcement agency.
(2) Employees of the department who are POST certified as law enforcement officers orcorrectional officers and who are designated as correctional enforcement or investigation officershave the following duties as specified by the executive director:
(a) providing investigative services for the department;
(b) conducting criminal investigations and operations in cooperation with state, local, andfederal law enforcement agencies; and
(c) providing security and enforcement for the department.
Amended by Chapter 282, 1998 General Session