64-13-25. Standards for programs -- Audits. (1) To promote accountability and to ensure safe and professional operation ofcorrectional programs, the department shall establish minimum standards for the organizationand operation of its programs.
(a) The standards shall be promulgated according to state rulemaking provisions. Thosestandards that apply to offenders are exempt from the provisions of Title 63G, Chapter 3, theUtah Administrative Rulemaking Act. Offenders are not a class of persons under that act.
(b) Standards shall provide for inquiring into and processing offender complaints.
(2) There shall be an audit for compliance with standards according to policies andprocedures established by the department, for continued operation of correctional programs.
(a) At least every three years, the department shall internally audit all programs forcompliance with established standards.
(b) All financial statements and accounts of the department shall be reviewed during theaudit. Written review shall be provided to the managers of the programs and the executivedirector of the department.
(c) The reports shall be classified as confidential internal working papers and access isavailable at the discretion of the executive director or the governor, or upon court order.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session