64-13-29. Violation of parole or probation -- Detention -- Hearing. (1) The department shall ensure that the court is notified of violations of the terms andconditions of probation in the case of probationers under the department's supervision, or theBoard of Pardons and Parole in the case of parolees under the department's supervision. In caseswhere the department desires to detain an offender alleged to have violated his parole orprobation and where it is unlikely that the Board of Pardons and Parole or court will conduct ahearing within a reasonable time to determine if the offender has violated his conditions of paroleor probation, the department shall hold an administrative hearing within a reasonable time, unlessthe hearing is waived by the parolee or probationer, to determine if there is probable cause tobelieve that a violation has occurred. If there is a conviction for a crime based on the samecharges as the probation or parole violation, or a finding by a federal or state court that there isprobable cause to believe that an offender has committed a crime based on the same charges asthe probation or parole violation, the department need not hold its administrative hearing.
(2) The appropriate officer or officers of the department shall, as soon as practicalfollowing the department's administrative hearing, report to the court or the Board of Pardons andParole, furnishing a summary of the hearing, and may make recommendations regarding thedisposition to be made of the parolee or probationer. Pending any proceeding under this section,the department may take custody of and detain the parolee or probationer involved for a periodnot to exceed 72 hours excluding weekends and holidays.
(3) If the hearing officer determines that there is probable cause to believe that theoffender has violated the conditions of his parole or probation, the department may detain theoffender for a reasonable period of time after the hearing or waiver, as necessary to arrange forthe incarceration of the offender. Written order of the department is sufficient authorization forany peace officer to incarcerate the offender. The department may promulgate rules for theimplementation of this section.
Amended by Chapter 13, 1994 General Session