64-13-30 (Superseded 07/01/11). Expenses incurred by offenders -- Payment todepartment or county jail -- Medical care and copayments. (1) (a) The department shall establish and collect from each offender on a work releaseprogram the reasonable costs of the offender's maintenance, transportation, and incidentalexpenses incurred by the department on behalf of the offender.
(b) Priority shall be given to restitution and family support obligations.
(c) The offender's reimbursement to the department for the cost of obtaining theoffender's DNA specimen, under Section
53-10-404 is the next priority after Subsection (1)(b).
(2) The department, under its rules, may advance funds to any offender as necessary toestablish the offender in a work release program.
(3) (a) The department or county jail may require an inmate to make a copayment formedical and dental services provided by the department or county jail.
(b) For services provided while in the custody of the department, the copayment by theinmate is $5 for primary medical care, $5 for dental care, and $2 for prescription medication.
(c) For services provided outside of a prison facility while in the custody of thedepartment, the offender is responsible for 10% of the costs associated with hospital care with acap on an inmate's share of hospital care expenses not to exceed $2,000 per fiscal year.
(4) (a) An inmate who has assets exceeding $200,000, as determined by the departmentupon entry into the department's custody, is responsible to pay the costs of all medical and dentalcare up to 20% of the inmate's total determined asset value.
(b) After an inmate has received medical and dental care equal to 20% of the inmate'stotal asset value, the inmate will be subject to the copayments provided in Subsection (3).
(5) The department shall turn over to the Office of State Debt Collection any debt underthis section that is unpaid at the time the offender is released from parole.
(6) An inmate may not be denied medical treatment if the inmate is unable to pay for thetreatment because of inadequate financial resources.
Amended by Chapter 258, 2009 General Session