64-13-6. Department duties. (1) The department shall:
(a) protect the public through institutional care and confinement, and supervision in thecommunity of offenders where appropriate;
(b) implement court-ordered punishment of offenders;
(c) provide program opportunities for offenders;
(d) provide treatment for sex offenders who are found to be treatable based upon criteriadeveloped by the department;
(e) provide the results of ongoing assessment of sex offenders and objective diagnostictesting to sentencing and release authorities;
(f) manage programs that take into account the needs and interests of victims, wherereasonable;
(g) supervise probationers and parolees as directed by statute and implemented by thecourts and the Board of Pardons and Parole;
(h) subject to Subsection (2), investigate criminal conduct involving offendersincarcerated in a state correctional facility;
(i) cooperate and exchange information with other state, local, and federal lawenforcement agencies to achieve greater success in prevention and detection of crime andapprehension of criminals; and
(j) implement the provisions of Section
77-28c-102, Interstate Compact for AdultOffender Supervision.
(2) (a) By following the procedures in Subsection (2)(b), the department may investigatethe following occurrences at state correctional facilities:
(i) criminal conduct of departmental employees;
(ii) felony crimes resulting in serious bodily injury;
(iii) death of any person; or
(iv) aggravated kidnaping.
(b) Prior to investigating any occurrence specified in Subsection (2)(a), the departmentshall:
(i) notify the sheriff or other appropriate law enforcement agency promptly afterascertaining facts sufficient to believe an occurrence specified in Subsection (2)(a) has occurred;and
(ii) obtain consent of the sheriff or other appropriate law enforcement agency to conductan investigation involving an occurrence specified in Subsection (2)(a).
(3) Upon request, the department shall provide copies of investigative reports of criminalconduct to the sheriff or other appropriate law enforcement agencies.
(4) The department shall provide data to the Commission on Criminal and JuvenileJustice to show the criteria for determining sex offender treatability, the implementation andeffectiveness of sex offender treatment, and the results of ongoing assessment and objectivediagnostic testing. The Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice will then report these datato the Judiciary Interim Committee and to the appropriate appropriations subcommittee annually.
(5) The Department of Corrections shall collect accounts receivable ordered by thedistrict court as a result of prosecution for a criminal offense according to the requirements andduring the time periods established in Subsection
Amended by Chapter 90, 2004 General Session