65A-1-5. Attorney general -- Role in affairs of the council and division. (1) (a) The attorney general shall represent the division in any legal action relating to statelands and, upon request by the director, may institute action to enforce the provisions of this title.
(b) Whenever an action is brought contesting a decision or act of the division, the divisionmay be named a party in the case rather than the individuals that comprise the division.
(2) All leases, contracts, and agreements entered into by the division shall be approved asto form by the attorney general prior to execution.
(3) (a) All suits for the collection of rental and damages shall be instituted by the attorneygeneral, upon request by the director, in the name of the state.
(b) The attorney general, upon request by the director, shall prosecute actions forsuppression costs or other damage caused by fires on state lands.
Amended by Chapter 294, 1994 General Session