65A-5-1. Sovereign Lands Management Account -- Creation -- Contents --Appropriation to fund division expenses -- Balance. (1) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the SovereignLands Management Account.
(2) The account shall consist of the following:
(a) all revenues derived from sovereign lands; and
(b) that portion of all revenues derived from mineral leases on other lands managed by thedivision necessary to recover management costs.
(3) All expenditures of the division relating directly to the management of state landsshall be funded by appropriation by the Legislature from the Sovereign Lands ManagementAccount or other sources.
(4) As of June 30 of each calendar year, the unappropriated portion of the SovereignLands Management Account from the fiscal year ending June 30 of that calendar year shall benonlapsing and available for appropriation by the Legislature.
Amended by Chapter 267, 1995 General Session