65A-8a-105. Division to promote implementation of Forest Water QualityGuidelines. (1) The division shall promote implementation of Forest Water Quality Guidelinesbefore, during, and after the conduct of forest practices on forested land in order to:
(a) preserve water quality and soil stability;
(b) prevent the hazard of fire and insect infestation;
(c) minimize waste of timber resources; and
(d) protect the regenerative and productive capacity of forested land.
(2) The division, in cooperation with Utah State University Extension Services:
(a) shall implement a program to develop demonstration areas, books, brochures,informational material, seminars and workshops, and other aids to display correct application ofthe Forest Water Quality Guidelines; and
(b) may aid private landowners by providing technical assistance to landowners andoperators in implementing Forest Water Quality Guidelines.
Enacted by Chapter 80, 2001 General Session