65A-9-2. Grazing leases -- Maximum term -- Treatment of leases on federal landsacquired by the state. (1) The division may issue grazing leases on state lands under terms and conditionsestablished by rule.
(2) Those terms shall be based on the fair market value of the lease.
(3) No lease may be for a term in excess of 15 years.
(4) The division shall determine the number and kind of stock that may be grazed eachyear on state land, and regulate the number of days that the land may be grazed.
(5) (a) Upon selecting, exchanging, or otherwise acquiring lands of the United States, thedivision shall honor all leases, permits, contracts, and terms and conditions of user agreements onUnited States' lands, including permitted stocking rates, grazing fee levels, access rights, and allexisting activities that currently or historically have dictated an understanding of usage betweenthe land user and the federal government.
(b) Improvements by the permittee or lessee to the land shall be honored by the state inthe acquisition of federal lands.
Amended by Chapter 294, 1994 General Session