65A-10-8. Great Salt Lake -- Management responsibilities of the division. The division has the following powers and duties:
(1) Prepare and maintain a comprehensive plan for the lake which recognizes thefollowing policies:
(a) develop strategies to deal with a fluctuating lake level;
(b) encourage development of the lake in a manner which will preserve the lake,encourage availability of brines to lake extraction industries, protect wildlife, and protectrecreational facilities;
(c) maintain the lake's flood plain as a hazard zone;
(d) promote water quality management for the lake and its tributary streams;
(e) promote the development of lake brines, minerals, chemicals, and petro-chemicals toaid the state's economy;
(f) encourage the use of appropriate areas for extraction of brine, minerals, chemicals,and petro-chemicals;
(g) maintain the lake and the marshes as important to the waterfowl flyway system;
(h) encourage the development of an integrated industrial complex;
(i) promote and maintain recreation areas on and surrounding the lake;
(j) encourage safe boating use of the lake;
(k) maintain and protect state, federal, and private marshlands, rookeries, and wildliferefuges;
(l) provide public access to the lake for recreation, hunting, and fishing.
(2) Employ personnel and purchase equipment and supplies which the Legislatureauthorizes through appropriations for the purposes of this chapter.
(3) Initiate studies of the lake and its related resources.
(4) Publish scientific and technical information concerning the lake.
(5) Define the lake's flood plain.
(6) Qualify for, accept, and administer grants, gifts, or other funds from the federalgovernment and other sources, for carrying out any functions under this chapter.
(7) Determine the need for public works and utilities for the lake area.
(8) Implement the comprehensive plan through state and local entities or agencies.
(9) Coordinate the activities of the various divisions within the Department of NaturalResources with respect to the lake.
(10) Perform all other acts reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes and provisionsof this chapter.
(11) Retain and encourage the continued activity of the Great Salt Lake technical team.
Enacted by Chapter 121, 1988 General Session