65A-12-2. Reclamation Trust Fund -- Carey Act Expense Fund. (1) (a) All money received by the division from the sale of lands selected under thischapter shall be deposited with the state treasurer.
(b) Any sums necessary shall be available for the payment of the expenses of the divisionin carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
(2) (a) Any balance remaining over and above the expenses necessary to carry out theprovisions of this chapter shall constitute a trust fund to be used only for the reclamation of otherarid lands.
(b) (i) Until there is sufficient money in the Reclamation Trust Fund, the expenses of thedivision in carrying out the provisions of this chapter may be paid from a Carey Act ExpenseFund to be appropriated by the Legislature.
(ii) The Division of Finance shall register claims paid out of the expense fund in theorder of their presentation.
(c) Whenever, except as provided in this chapter, money in the reclamation trust fundequals a claim which has been paid out of the Carey Act Expense Fund, the Division of Financeshall draw a warrant on the reclamation fund to reimburse the state for sums that have been paidout of the Carey Act Expense Fund.
(3) (a) The division shall draw by requisition on the Division of Finance the sumsnecessary to pay the United States in order to obtain patent to lands accepted in this chapter.
(b) The Division of Finance shall draw this warrant on the Reclamation Trust Fundgiving precedence to sums to be paid to the United States over warrants to reimburse the state forexpenses.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 294, 1994 General Session