67-1-1. General powers and duties. In addition to those prescribed by the constitution, the governor has the following powersand must perform the following duties:
(1) He shall supervise the official conduct of all executive and ministerial officers.
(2) He shall see that all offices are filled and the duties thereof performed, or in defaultthereof, apply such remedy as the law allows, and, if the remedy is imperfect, acquaint theLegislature therewith at its next session.
(3) He shall make appointments and fill vacancies as required by law.
(4) He is the sole official organ of communication between the government of this stateand the government of any other state and of the United States.
(5) Whenever any suit or legal proceeding is pending against this state, or which mayaffect the title of this state to any property, or which may result in any claim against the state, hemay direct the attorney general to appear on behalf of the state, and may employ such additionalcounsel as he may judge expedient.
(6) He may require the attorney general or the county attorney or district attorney of anycounty to inquire into the affairs or management of any corporation doing business in this state.
(7) He may require the attorney general to aid any county attorney or district attorney inthe discharge of his duties.
(8) He may offer rewards, not exceeding $1,000 each, payable out of the general fund,for the apprehension of any convict who has escaped from the state prison, or any person who hascommitted, or is charged with the commission of, a felony.
(9) He must perform such duties respecting fugitives from justice as are prescribed bylaw.
(10) He must issue and transmit election proclamations as prescribed by law.
(11) He must issue land warrants and patents as prescribed by law.
(12) He must, prior to each regular meeting of the Legislature, deliver to the Division ofArchives for publication all biennial reports of officers, commissions, and boards for the twopreceding years.
(13) He may require any officer, commission, or board to make special reports to him inwriting.
(14) He must discharge the duties of a member of all boards of which he is or may bemade a member by the constitution or by law.
(15) He shall each year issue a proclamation recommending the observance of Arbor day,by the planting of trees, shrubs, and vines, in the promotion of forest growth and culture, and inthe adornment of public and private grounds, places and ways, and in such other efforts andundertakings as shall be in harmony with the general character of such holiday.
(16) He has such other powers and must perform such other duties as are devolved uponhim by law.
Amended by Chapter 38, 1993 General Session