67-1-2. Sending list of gubernatorial nominees to Senate and to Office ofLegislative Research and General Counsel. (1) Unless waived by a majority of the president of the Senate, the Senate majorityleader, and the Senate minority leader, 15 days before any Senate session to confirm anygubernatorial nominee, except a judicial appointment, the governor shall send to each member ofthe Senate and to the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel:
(a) a list of each nominee for an office or position made by the governor in accordancewith the Utah Constitution and state law; and
(b) any information that may support or provide biographical information about thenominee, including resumes and curriculum vitae.
(2) When the governor makes a judicial appointment, the governor shall immediatelyprovide to the president of the Senate and the Office of Legislative Research and GeneralCounsel:
(a) the name of the judicial appointee; and
(b) the judicial appointee's:
(i) resume;
(ii) complete file of all the application materials the governor received from the JudicialNominating Commission; and
(iii) any other related documents, including any letters received by the governor about theappointee, unless the letter specifically directs that it may not be shared.
(3) The governor shall inform the president of the Senate and the Office of LegislativeResearch and General Counsel of the number of letters withheld pursuant to Subsection(2)(b)(iii).
(4) (a) Letters of inquiry submitted by any judge at the request of any judicial nominatingcommission shall be classified as private in accordance with Section
(b) All other records received from the governor pursuant to this Subsection (4) may beclassified as private in accordance with Section
(5) The Senate shall consent or refuse to give its consent to the nomination or judicialappointment.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session