67-4-1. Duties. (1) The state treasurer shall:
(a) receive and maintain custody of all state funds;
(b) unless otherwise provided by law, invest all funds delivered into the state treasurer'scustody according to the procedures and requirements of Title 51, Chapter 7, State MoneyManagement Act;
(c) pay warrants drawn by the Division of Finance as they are presented;
(d) return each redeemed warrant to the Division of Finance for purposes ofreconciliation, post-audit, and verification;
(e) ensure that state warrants not presented to the state treasurer for payment within oneyear from the date of issue, or a shorter period if required by federal regulation or contract, arecanceled and credited to the proper fund;
(f) account for all money received and disbursed;
(g) keep separate account of the different funds;
(h) keep safe all bonds, warrants, and securities delivered into his custody;
(i) at the request of either house of the Legislature, or of any legislative committee, giveinformation in writing as to the condition of the treasury, or upon any subject relating to theduties of his office;
(j) keep the books open at all times for the inspection by the governor, the state auditor,or any member of the Legislature, or any committee appointed to examine them by either houseof the Legislature;
(k) authenticate and validate documents when necessary;
(l) adopt a seal and file a description and an impression of it with the Division ofArchives; and
(m) discharge the duties of a member of all official boards of which he is or may bemade a member by the Constitution or laws of Utah.
(2) When necessary to perform his duties, the state treasurer may inspect the books,papers, and accounts of any state entity.
Amended by Chapter 14, 1998 General Session