67-5-13. Limitations on political activities by career status employees. (1) An employee in a career status may not, while in a pay status, be a state or federalofficer in any partisan political party organization or in any statewide partisan political campaign. The employee, however, may be an officer or delegate in a partisan political party organization ata county or inferior level or a delegate at a state or national level.
(2) An employee in career status may not be a candidate for any partisan political office,but upon application to the attorney general the employee shall be granted a leave of absencewithout pay but without loss of existing seniority to participate in a partisan political campaigneither as an officer or as a candidate. Time spent during the political leave shall not be countedfor seniority purposes as being in service. For the purposes of this section, an employee is notconsidered to be a candidate until the primary elections have been held.
(3) An employee in career status may not engage in political activity during the hours ofemployment, nor may any person solicit political contributions from any employee in careerstatus during hours of employment or through state facilities or in any manner imposeassessments on them for political purposes; but nothing in this section shall preclude voluntarycontributions to a candidate or a political party.
(4) Partisan political activity shall not be a basis for employment, promotion, demotion,or dismissal. Any violation of this section may lead to disciplinary action against the employee,which may consist of reprimand, suspension, demotion, or termination as determined by theattorney general.
(5) This section shall not be construed to permit partisan political activity by anyemployee in career status who is prevented or restricted from engaging in this political activity bythe provisions of any federal act or the rules and regulations promulgated under it.
Amended by Chapter 166, 2007 General Session