67-5-3. Performance of legal services for agencies -- Billing -- "Agency" defined. The attorney general may assign his legal assistants to perform legal services for anyagency of state government. He shall bill that agency for the legal services performed, if (1) theagency so billed receives federal funds to pay for the legal services rendered, or if (2) the agencycollects funds from any other source in the form of fees, costs, interest, fines, penalties,forfeitures, or other proceeds reserved or designated for the payment of legal fees sufficient topay for all or a portion of the legal services rendered; however, the agency may deduct anyunreimbursed costs and expenses incurred by the agency in connection with the legal servicesrendered. As used in this act "agency" means any department, division, agency, commission,board, council, committee, authority, institution, or other entity within the state government ofUtah.
Amended by Chapter 76, 1982 General Session