67-5-9. Reassignment of career status employees -- Additional compensation formanagerial assignments -- Employment of special assistant attorneys general --Termination of employees -- Salary increases. This chapter does not affect the authority of the attorney general to:
(1) assign and reassign employees in a career status to different positions on his staff. The salary of an employee reassigned to a different position shall not be decreased by reason ofreassignment; except that if the employee reassigned occupies the position of chief deputyattorney general, the salary may be reduced by not more than 15% upon the assignment to adifferent position;
(2) develop a plan for additional compensation for career status employees who acceptmanagerial assignments within the office. The provisions of Subsection (1) notwithstanding, theattorney general may discontinue any additional compensation if the employee no longer holds amanagerial assignment. Additional compensation provided under this section shall bedetermined by the attorney general pursuant to the plan developed by the Office of the AttorneyGeneral. If the employee no longer holds a managerial assignment, and the attorney generaldecides to discontinue any additional compensation, the reduction may not place the employee ata salary below where the employee would be through normal salary increases if the employee hadnot been in a managerial position;
(3) employ special assistant attorneys general, who shall not be subject to this chapter, torepresent the state in particular lawsuits or to handle particular legal matters for the state;
(4) terminate the employment of any employee of the Office of the Attorney General whois not in a career service status; or
(5) establish the salary or determine salary increases of any employee under this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 166, 2007 General Session