67-5a-1. Utah Prosecution Council -- Duties -- Membership. (1) There is created within the Office of the Attorney General the Utah ProsecutionCouncil, referred to as the council in this chapter.
(2) The council shall:
(a) provide training and continuing legal education for state and local prosecutors;
(b) provide assistance to local prosecutors; and
(c) as funds are available and as are budgeted for this purpose, provide reimbursementfor unusual expenses related to prosecution for violations of state laws.
(3) The council shall be composed of 10 members, selected as follows:
(a) the attorney general or a designated representative;
(b) the commissioner of public safety or a designated representative;
(c) four currently serving county or district attorneys designated by the county or districtattorneys' section of the Utah Association of Counties; a county or district attorney's term expireswhen a successor is designated by the county or district attorneys' section or when he is no longerserving as a county attorney or district attorney, whichever occurs first;
(d) two city prosecutors designated by the Utah Municipal Attorneys Association; a cityprosecutor's term expires when a successor is designated by the association or when he is nolonger employed as a city prosecutor, whichever occurs first;
(e) the chair of the Board of Directors of the Statewide Association of Public Attorneysof Utah; and
(f) the chair of the governing board of the Utah Prosecutorial Assistants Association.
Amended by Chapter 131, 2001 General Session