67-19-12.3. Peace officer, correctional officer, and public safety dispatch personnelpay plans. To allow the state to recruit and retain the highest qualified law enforcement officers,correctional officers, and public safety dispatchers, the pay plans for law enforcement officers, asdefined under Section
53-13-103, correctional officers, as defined under Section
53-13-104, andpublic safety dispatchers, as defined under Section
53-6-102, employed by the state shall complywith Section
67-19-12, except that the market comparability of state salary ranges for thesepositions shall be based on a survey of salary ranges of respectively:
(1) the three largest political subdivision law enforcement agencies in Utah;
(2) the three largest political subdivision entities employing correctional officers in Utah;and
(3) the three largest special service district or other political subdivision entities in Utahemploying public safety dispatchers in a similar consolidated operation.
Amended by Chapter 140, 2007 General Session