67-19-15.1. Implementation of exempt status for Schedule AD and AR employees. (1) As used in this section, "appointee" means:
(a) a deputy director;
(b) a division director;
(c) any assistant directors and administrative assistants who report directly to adepartment head, deputy director, or their equivalent; and
(d) any other person whose appointment is required by law to be approved by thegovernor.
(2) After the effective date of this chapter, any new appointee is a merit exemptemployee.
(3) Notwithstanding the requirements of this chapter, any appointee who is currently anonexempt employee does not lose that nonexempt status because of this chapter.
(4) The Department of Human Resource Management shall develop financial and otherincentives to encourage appointees who are nonexempt to voluntarily convert to merit exemptstatus.
Amended by Chapter 139, 2006 General Session