67-19-15.7. Promotion -- Reclassification -- Market adjustment. (1) (a) If an employee is promoted or the employee's position is reclassified to a highersalary range maximum, the agency shall place the employee within the new range of the position.
(b) An agency may not set an employee's salary:
(i) higher than the maximum in the new salary range; and
(ii) lower than the minimum in the new salary range of the position.
(c) Except for an employee under schedule IN or TL under Section
67-19-15, the agencyshall grant a salary increase of at least 5% to an employee who is promoted.
(2) An agency shall adjust the salary range for an employee whose salary range isapproved by the Legislature for a market comparability adjustment consistent with Subsection
(a) at the beginning of the next fiscal year; and
(b) consistent with appropriations made by the Legislature.
(3) Department-initiated revisions in the state classification system that result inconsolidation or reduction of class titles or broadening of pay ranges:
(a) may not be regarded as a reclassification of the position or promotion of theemployee; and
(b) are exempt from the provisions of Subsection (1).
Amended by Chapter 249, 2010 General Session