67-19-16. Appointments to Schedule B positions -- Examinations -- Hiring lists --Probationary service -- Dismissal. (1) Each appointment to a position under Schedule B shall be made from hiring lists ofapplicants who have been selected by competitive procedures as defined by the executivedirector.
(2) The executive director shall publicly announce information regarding career servicepositions:
(a) for periods of time to be determined by the executive director; and
(b) in a manner designed to attract the highest number of qualified applicants.
(3) The executive director shall make rules establishing standards for the development,approval, and implementation of examining processes, including establishing a departmentapproved on the job examination to appoint a qualified person with a disability.
(4) Applicants for employment to Schedule B positions shall be eligible for appointmentbased upon rules established by the executive director.
(5) (a) The agency head shall make appointments to fill vacancies from hiring lists forprobationary periods as defined by rule.
(b) The executive director shall make rules establishing probationary periods.
(6) A person serving a probationary period may not use the grievance proceduresprovided in this chapter and in Chapter 19a, Grievance Procedures, and may be dismissed at anytime by the appointing officer without hearing or appeal.
(7) Career service status shall be granted upon the successful completion of theprobationary period.
Amended by Chapter 103, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 249, 2010 General Session