67-19-27. Leave of absence with pay for disabled employees covered under othercivil service systems. (1) As used in this section:
(a) (i) "Law enforcement officer" means a sworn and certified peace officer who is anemployee of a law enforcement agency that is part of or administered by the state, and whoseprimary and principal duties consist of the prevention and detection of crime and the enforcementof criminal statutes of this state.
(ii) "Law enforcement officer" specifically includes the following:
(A) the commissioner of public safety and any member of the Department of PublicSafety certified as a peace officer;
(B) all persons specified in Sections
23-20-1.5 and
(C) investigators for the Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division;
(D) special agents or investigators employed by the attorney general;
(E) employees of the Department of Natural Resources designated as peace officers bylaw;
(F) the executive director of the Department of Corrections and any correctionalenforcement or investigative officer designated by the executive director and approved by thecommissioner of public safety and certified by the division; and
(G) correctional enforcement, investigative, or adult probation and parole officersemployed by the Department of Corrections serving on or before July 1, 1993.
(b) "State correctional officer" means a correctional officer as defined in Section
53-13-104 who is employed by the Department of Corrections.
(2) (a) Each law enforcement officer, state correctional officer, operator licenseexaminer, commercial license examiner, or Driver License Division hearing examiner who isinjured in the course of employment shall be given a leave of absence with full pay during theperiod the employee is temporarily disabled.
(b) This compensation is in lieu of all other compensation provided by law excepthospital and medical services that are provided by law.
(3) Each law enforcement officer or state correctional officer who is 100% disabledthrough a criminal act upon his person while in the lawful discharge of his duties, shall be givena leave of absence with full compensation until he retires or reaches the retirement age of 62years.
Amended by Chapter 344, 2009 General Session