67-19-5. Department of Human Resource Management created -- Executivedirector -- Compensation -- Staff. (1) There is created the Department of Human Resource Management.
(2) (a) The department shall be administered by an executive director appointed by thegovernor with the consent of the Senate.
(b) The executive director shall be a person with experience in human resourcemanagement and shall be accountable to the governor for the executive director's performance inoffice.
(3) The executive director may:
(a) appoint a personal secretary and a deputy director, both of whom shall be exemptfrom career service; and
(b) appoint division directors and program managers who may be career service exempt.
(4) (a) The executive director shall have full responsibility and accountability for theadministration of the statewide human resource management system.
(b) Except as provided in Section
67-19-6.1, an agency may not perform human resourcefunctions without the consent of the executive director.
(5) Statewide human resource management rules adopted by the Department of HumanResource Management in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah AdministrativeRulemaking Act, shall take precedence if there is a conflict with agency rules, policies, orpractices.
(6) The department may operate as an internal service fund agency in accordance withSection
63J-1-410 for the human resource functions the department provides.
Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session