67-19c-101. Department award program. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Department" means the Department of Administrative Services, the Department ofAgriculture and Food, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, the Department ofCommerce, the Department of Community and Culture, the Department of Corrections, theDepartment of Workforce Services, the Department of Environmental Quality, the Department ofFinancial Institutions, the Department of Health, the Department of Human ResourceManagement, the Department of Human Services, the Insurance Department, the National Guard,the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Public Safety, the Public ServiceCommission, the Labor Commission, the State Board of Education, the State Board of Regents,the State Tax Commission, the Department of Technology Services, and the Department ofTransportation.
(b) "Department head" means the individual or body of individuals in whom the ultimatelegal authority of the department is vested by law.
(2) There is created a department awards program to award an outstanding employee ineach department of state government.
(3) (a) By April 1 of each year, each department head shall solicit nominations foroutstanding employee of the year for his department from the employees in his department.
(b) By July 1 of each year, the department head shall:
(i) select a person from the department to receive the outstanding employee of the yearaward using the criteria established in Subsection (3)(c); and
(ii) announce the recipient of the award to his employees.
(c) Department heads shall make the award to a person who demonstrates:
(i) extraordinary competence in performing his function;
(ii) creativity in identifying problems and devising workable, cost-effective solutions tothem;
(iii) excellent relationships with the public and other employees;
(iv) a commitment to serving the public as the client; and
(v) a commitment to economy and efficiency in government.
(4) (a) The Department of Human Resource Management shall divide any appropriationfor outstanding department employee awards that it receives from the Legislature equally amongthe departments.
(b) If the department receives money from the Department of Human ResourceManagement or if the department budget allows, the department head shall provide the employeewith a bonus, a plaque, or some other suitable acknowledgement of the award.
(5) (a) The department head may name the award after an exemplary present or formeremployee of the department.
(b) A department head may not name the award for himself or for any relative as definedin Section
(c) Any awards or award programs existing in any department as of May 3, 1993, shallbe modified to conform to the requirements of this section.
Amended by Chapter 139, 2006 General Session