69-2-2. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "911 emergency telephone service" means a communication system which providescitizens with rapid direct access to public emergency operation centers by dialing the telephonenumber "911" with the objective of reducing the response time to situations requiring lawenforcement, fire, medical, rescue, and other emergency services.
(2) "Local exchange service" means the provision of public telecommunications servicesby a wireline common carrier to customers within a geographic area encompassing one or morelocal communities as described in the carrier's service territory maps, tariffs, price lists, or rateschedules filed with and approved by the Public Service Commission.
(3) "Local exchange service switched access line" means the transmission facility andlocal switching equipment used by a wireline common carrier to connect a customer location to acarrier's local exchange switching network for providing two-way interactive voice, or voicecapable, services.
(4) "Mobile telecommunications service" is as defined in Section
(5) "Public agency" means any county, city, town, special service district, or publicauthority located within the state which provides or has authority to provide fire fighting, lawenforcement, ambulance, medical, or other emergency services.
(6) "Public safety agency" means a functional division of a public agency which providesfire fighting, law enforcement, medical, or other emergency services.
(7) "Public safety answering point" means a facility that:
(a) is equipped and staffed under the authority of a political subdivision; and
(b) receives 911 calls, other calls for emergency services, and asynchronous eventnotifications for a defined geographic area.
(8) "Radio communications access line" means the radio equipment and assignedcustomer identification number used to connect a mobile or fixed radio customer in Utah to aradio communication service provider's network for two-way interactive voice, or voice capable,services.
(9) "Radio communications service" means a public telecommunications serviceproviding the capability of two-way interactive telecommunications between mobile and fixedradio customers, and between mobile or fixed radio customers and the local exchange servicenetwork customers of a wireline common carrier. Radio communications service providersinclude corporations, persons or entities offering cellular telephone service, enhanced specializedmobile radio service, rural radio service, radio common carrier services, personalcommunications services, and any equivalent wireless public telecommunications service, asdefined in 47 CFR, parts 20, 21, 22, 24, and 90.
(10) "Wireline common carrier" means a public telecommunications service providerthat primarily uses metallic or nonmetallic cables and wires for connecting customers to its localexchange service networks.
Amended by Chapter 307, 2010 General Session