70A-2-807. Consumer may not waive rights under chapter -- Enforcement --Remedies not exclusive. (1) Any waiver by a consumer of rights under this chapter is void.
(2) (a) A consumer may bring an action in district court to enforce the consumer's rightsunder this chapter.
(b) The court shall award a consumer who prevails in an action under this chapter twicethe amount of any pecuniary loss, together with costs, disbursements, reasonable attorney's fees,and any equitable relief that the court determines is appropriate.
(3) The attorney general may file an action in district court to enforce this chapter onbehalf of any consumer or in its own behalf. In addition to the other remedies provided in thischapter, the attorney general is also entitled to an award for reasonable attorney's fees, courtcosts, and investigative expenses.
(4) This chapter shall not be construed as imposing any liability on an authorized dealeror lessor or as creating a cause of action by a consumer against a dealer or lessor, exceptregarding any express warranties made by the dealer or lessor apart from the manufacturer'swarranties.
(5) Nothing in this chapter shall limit or impair the rights or remedies which are otherwiseavailable to a consumer under any other provision of law.
Enacted by Chapter 166, 1997 General Session