70C-8-103. Investigatory powers -- Evidence. (1) The department shall conduct studies and examinations of parties subject to this title itdeems necessary and appropriate to monitor the kinds and amounts of credit that are beingextended to consumers in this state to determine whether violations of this title and otherapplicable laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to consumer credit are occurring and thefrequency and seriousness of them, and to obtain additional information the department deemsnecessary or useful to perform its duties as administrator of this title.
(2) In addition to the studies and examinations provided for in Subsection (1), if thedepartment has probable cause to believe that a party has engaged in an act which is subject toaction by the department, it may make an investigation to determine if the act has beencommitted. To the extent necessary for this purpose, the department may administer oaths oraffirmations under penalty of perjury, and, upon its own motion or upon request of any party,may subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance, adduce evidence under penalty of perjury, andrequire the production of any matter which is relevant to the investigation, including the existence,description, nature, custody, condition, and location of any books, documents, or other tangiblethings of any kind or nature and the identity and location of persons having knowledge of relevantfacts, or any other matter reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.
(3) If the department requires the production of records which are located outside thisstate, the party shall either make them available to the department at a convenient location withinthis state or pay the reasonable and necessary expenses for the department to examine them at theplace where they are maintained. The department may designate representatives, includingofficials of the state in which the records are located, to inspect them on its behalf.
(4) Upon failure without lawful excuse to obey a subpoena or give testimony, and uponreasonable notice to all affected persons, the department may apply to the district court for anorder compelling compliance.
(5) The department may not make public the name or identity of a person whose acts orconduct it investigates pursuant to this section or the facts disclosed in the investigation.
(6) Subsection (5) does not apply to disclosures in enforcement proceedings conductedpursuant to this title.
Enacted by Chapter 159, 1985 General Session