70C-8-202. Notification. (1) (a) A party who is subject to this part shall file notification with the department atleast 30 days before commencing business in this state.
(b) After filing the notification required by Subsection (1)(a), a party shall file anotification on or before January 31 of each year.
(c) A notification required by this Subsection (1) shall state:
(i) the name of the party;
(ii) the name in which the business is transacted if different from that required inSubsection (1)(c)(i);
(iii) the address of the party's principal office, which may be outside this state;
(iv) the address of:
(A) each office or retail store, if any, in this state at which credit is offered or extended toa consumer; or
(B) in the case of a party taking an assignment of an obligation, each office or place ofbusiness within this state at which business is transacted;
(v) if credit is extended to a consumer other than at an office or retail store in this state, abrief description of the manner in which the credit transaction occurs;
(vi) the name and address in this state of a designated agent upon whom service ofprocess may be made; and
(vii) any other information considered pertinent by the department.
(2) If information in a notification becomes inaccurate after filing, a party is not requiredto file further notification until required to renew the party's notification.
(3) (a) A party who fails to file a notification or pay a fee required by this part may notextend credit to a consumer in this state until the party fully complies with this part.
(b) A party who willfully violates this Subsection (3) is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
Amended by Chapter 72, 2009 General Session